Eligibility Requirements

Classes Offered


The AEL Program Citizenship course is a comprehensive free online course and a natural extension of the free English courses already used by nearly 10-million visitors worldwide.

In our course, students use a mix of engaging, high-quality multimedia activities to acquire information about the naturalization process and skills needed for the interview.

English Skills

English as a Second Language (ESL) is particularly important to University City’s diverse and growing community. We are a city on the move. The aim of this program continues to be to provide students, for whom English is not their primary language, with a working knowledge of English in preparation for citizenship tests, the workplace, additional education, and daily living.

HiSET Prep

The University City Adult Education and Literacy Program assist adult learners with HiSET (High School Equivalency) preparation and more.

We offer a variety of tools to help students decide which higher education and/or employment options best fit their life’s goals. We assist you to prepare for your next steps after obtaining your HiSET Certification!

WorkKeys Prep

WorkKeys consists of three elements:

  • Job skill assessments, which are designed to measure foundational and personal skills as they apply to the workplace;
  • Job analysis, which pinpoints or estimates skill benchmarks for specific job positions that individuals must meet through testing; and
  • Skill training, which helps individuals boost their scores.
Eligibility Requirements:


  • Age 16 year old having completed 16 units of high school credit or the individual at least 17.
  • Not currently enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school.
  • Any Adult with basic skills deficiency.
  • Any Adult with no secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and has not achieved an equivalent level of education.
  • Any Adult that Is an English language learner.

Virtual Instruction would be provided to those that demonstrate digital competencies as identified by an assigned digital literacy assessment and demonstrated performance of NRS level 4 or above on the TABE or TABE CLAS-E. Additionally, those with adequate devices: computer, chromebook or tablet would be given 1st consideration with an option for those without to enter into an agreement for loader equipment through the UCAEL Program (Chromebook and possible hotspots).  Those that do not demonstrate NRS mastery at these levels and don’t have adequate equipment, would be eligible to participate in face to face offerings, based on social distance protocols, including wearing face masks at all time, as required.  There would be a two day class offered for up to 10 students, space permitted with the option to work on Burlington English (BE) with a gradual release type model.  This would apply to English Language Learners (ELL) but similarly Adult Basic Education level students would be able to attend two days a week with an option to work in Essential Education online curriculum in the same manner as BE.  Low level ABE students in most cases may require more individualized instruction, as do ELL students.


  • Start by completing a virtual pre-registration to schedule an Intake (Computer or tablet needed with Internet Access).
  • Phase One of Intake focuses on determining one’s Educational Functioning Level (EFL) – Taking the TABE Assessment Locator for HSE or (CLAS_E) for ELL classes and completing a registration form.
  • Phase Two includes completing the TABE Assessment Battery to determine one’s Educational Functioning Level (EFL).
  • Next staff with assist you in choosing one of our available instructional delivery method (in person when permissible or virtual) based on your assessment results and program schedule.
  • Additionally, you will be assisted in determining which supplemental learning platforms meet your need as the learner.
  • The next step in the process will be developing an educational learning plan based on pre-assessment results, delivery methods, program schedule and learning platforms selected.
  • To determine academic growth our teachers have created informal assessment interval period to access academic growth prior to post assessment.
  • After 40 hours of instruction (combination of face to face and virtual hours) a TABE Post Assessment will be given.
  • Final stages include review of post assessment results to determine academic gains, advancement to Official HiSET, WorkKeys- utilizing Practice HiSET or Practice WorkKeys.
  • Last stage will include assisting students in registering to take the Official HiSET (at home) and/or WorkKeys (Career Center or UCAEL via scheduled session with social distancing protocols in place).